• XD
    XD Comments Video Thumbnail

    How to Pin and Resolve Comments on XD Design Drafts

    Learn how to pin comments, updates and resolve entries in design drafts. It is essential to convey feedback and request changes real-time for efficiency.

  • WordPress
    WordPress Admin Access

    How to Provide WordPress Administrator Access

    Learn how to provide administrator access on WordPress sites for easy functionality customization.

  • Shopify
    Shopify Store Permissions

    How to Provide Necessary Shopify Store Permissions

    Learn how to provide necessary permissions to access elements within Shopify stores for changes and updates.

  • bigcommerce
    token tutorial

    How to create a Stencil Token

    Learn how to create a stencil token, a requirement you need to be able to develop on BigCommerce.

  • bigcommerce
    create tutorial

    How to Create a New User + WebDav

    Learn how to create a new user Administrator Access for checking client requirements and theme development, and Webdav Access for theme development file transfers.

  • hubstaff
    hubstaff tutorial

    How to Use Hubstaff Task

    Learn how this task management tool can help you streamline communication, increase productivity, and keep everyone on the same page. With Hubstaff Task, you can easily assign tasks, track progress, and collaborate seamlessly.


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