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If you want to step up and improve your SEO strategies, there’s no better way to do so than learning from the experts themselves.

To ensure you’re only getting the most useful and up-to-date SEO information you need to grow your skills and expertise, looking into the experiences and lessons shared by the most reputable SEO specialists is your best bet.

With that, here are SEO lessons you can use from the top SEO personalities who already made their own mark in the field of SEO.

Neil Patel

“SEO is a race, not a sprint.”

“Don’t optimize for conversions, optimize for revenue.”

“Mediocre marketers think in terms of campaigns. Great marketers think in terms of growth of networks.”

“If you are trying to grow your qualified search traffic, you have to combine your content marketing with your SEO efforts.”

Brian Dean

“SEO isn’t about content creation. It’s about content promotion.”

“Longer content helps you rank better for your target keyword and brings in more long tail traffic … a win-win!”

“Like links, the tweets a page has may influence its rank in Google.”

Danny Sullivan

Co-Founder of Search Engine Land & Advisor to Third Door Media

“Honestly I think there is no master plan other than ‘Let’s put this tool out there and see what people do with it,.’”

“SEO isn’t about ‘how do I get keywords into Google,’ it’s about understanding how many people search for information and finding a way to get in front of them.”

“SEO is only not seen as rocket science by those who already know it.”

Barry Schwartz

“If you’re going to build a website, make sure to have a website that Google would be embarrassed not to rank for its main keywords.”

“Think about how to answer the user’s question when you’re writing your content, and if you could do that right, hopefully, it will lead to traffic to your website even 15 years from now.”

“SEO is not just about the webpage anymore; it’s about content within the apps and content within your featured snippets like the structured data.”

Darren Rowse

“Best way to get engagement on social media is to be engaging on social media.”

“99.9% of great bloggers are not awesome on day 1. Their awesomeness is the accumulation of the value they create over time.”

“The Internet makes money for you when you build something that is real and when it matters to people.”

Rand Fishkin

“The content you share with the world needs to offer a distinct benefit, otherwise no one will care.”

“Social is the way our work gets discovered. Content that is truly exceptional, unique, and useful can earn tremendous awareness through social media, and that social amplification often leads to great links, which leads to great rankings.”

“Don’t build links. Build relationships.”

“Anything you do that improves the user experience and happiness of people who are looking at your page helps you long term in Google.”

Making your website rank on Google amidst the tough competition is no easy task. But, when done the right way, you’ll lead the SEO game in no time. So, learn from the above SEO experts and work your way to your best SEO strategy!

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