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Of the many online shops available for consumers to choose from, you need to stand out. One way to do that is through writing enticing product descriptions that convert and sell.

With the rise of different e-commerce shops today, the competition to sell gets tougher. It’s not anymore enough to have a great product or service, appealing and mobile-ready web design, and exceptional online shopping experience. You also need to prioritize creating product listings that engage, persuade, and sell.

While often given lesser attention, your product listings can make or break a potential sale. They are that crucial and powerful.

To write the best listings for your products and services that won’t only get attention but will also persuade and sell, see below tips:

Choose the best photos that best showcase your product.

Because people are naturally visual beings, they are more drawn to photos and images more than texts. So, if you want your products to be taken notice of by consumers, you must start with high-quality photos that will best showcase your products.

You can do this by taking photos of your products in different angles and perspectives without neglecting proper lighting and a solid color background. A lifestyle shot is also a must. It’s a photo showing how your product is used and worn in the real world.


After taking photos of your products, select and upload no more than five photos for each product listing. Just make sure that the product photos you’ll include in each product listing will make the online shoppers feel like they’re seeing the products in person.

Write product descriptions with a buyer persona in mind.

A buyer persona is a representation of your target audience. It is your imaginary customer. To write the best descriptions for your products and services, you need to consider what your buyer persona wants, thinks, and feels; more so, her buying decisions.

With a buyer persona in mind, your product descriptions will be more focused and customer-centric. It will also help you make descriptions more engaging, personal, and persuasive. The best product description will speak to her and make her click ‘buy.’

Translate product features and specs into practical benefits.

Online shoppers are often deterred by text-heavy product listings. More than that, they aren’t exactly interested in what a product is or what it can do. They are more interested in what a product can do for them and how it can make their lives better.

So, before you get overwhelmed in writing and talking about your products, list your products’ most important features and specs. After that, translate them into practical benefits – e.g. increased and improved productivity, stress-reduction, and the like.

Features and benefits backed with studies and references also help. It’s a wise move to include some references on how your product can provide these benefits. Adding such can provide comfort and ease to risk-averse consumers in making purchases.

Make sure your product descriptions are easily readable.

Now that you have the meat for your product listing descriptions, you need to make sure they are encased in an easy-to-scan and easy-to-read format. It needs to be enticing to read. A good product description is useless if it’s hard for the eyes, right?

To create product listings that are easy to skim and read, you need to consider using subheadings, bullet points, appropriate font size, style, and colors, plenty of white space, and the right placement of text and other elements like videos and photos. For logo’s font you may check this link – best fonts for logos.

Add search terms to optimize your product descriptions.

Lastly, don’t forget to add search terms and tags in your product listings – in both product descriptions and images. To help you in determining which tags and phrases to use, think of the phrases your buyer persona will use in looking for a product.

Use your key phrase in the headline, body text, subheadings, and product images – file name, alt tag, and image description included. But in doing so, make sure you don’t overstuff your product listings. Avoid using jargons as well, unless they’re really needed.

Just like you would with any other type of content, make sure to make the inclusion of key phrases as natural as possible. Even while using key phrases, try to write as you speak. A great product listing appeals both to search engines and your customers.

Apply the above tips in creating listings for your products and services. The better your product listings are, the better chances of selling your products!

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