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Unlocking new opportunities and fueling business growth is the ultimate goal for any e-commerce entrepreneur. Having a robust and scalable platform is crucial to stay ahead. BigCommerce provides the perfect foundation for e-commerce success.

With BigCommerce’s seamless migration process and features, it is the go-to choice for businesses looking to take their online presence forward. Explore the benefits of migrating to BigCommerce, e-commerce migration options, and how this platform can propel your business towards success.

The Benefits of Migrating to BigCommerce

When migrating your e-commerce store, you want a platform with benefits. BigCommerce checks all the boxes with its advantages that can significantly impact your business growth.


One benefit of migrating to BigCommerce is its customization capabilities. With several templates and plugins, you can create a store that fits your brand and target audience. It’s easy to set up your store with BigCommerce’s drag-and-drop interface.


BigCommerce is adaptable. With its features and tools, you can readily expand your store for new products, categories, and more. Its built-in SEO capabilities ensures that your store is easily found.


Choosing BigCommerce means gaining access to a network of apps and integrations. With over 600+ apps, you have endless possibilities to enhance your store’s functionality and meet business needs. From marketing automation tools to email campaigns and social media integration – there’s no limit to what you can achieve.

Search Engine Ranking

BigCommerce’s Search engine ranking capabilities are also noteworthy. With their ever-growing index of apps and integrations, your store is sure to show up in search results. This can help you reach a wider audience and increase traffic. 


Bigcommerce prioritizes security. With their Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption, your data is sure to be protected. And, you can always be sure you’re receiving the support you need.

Options for E-Commerce Migration

When migrating your e-commerce store, you have several options to choose from. Each option has its considerations, so weigh them carefully before deciding.


Manually migrating your store is transferring data and settings from one platform to another on your own. While this is time-consuming and complex, it gives you complete control over the process and customization according to your needs.


Another option is using an automated migration tool. These tools are designed for e-commerce migrations and can streamline the process, automatically transferring data such as product listings, customer information, and order history. This is often quicker and more efficient than manual migration but may require some technical knowledge or assistance.


For businesses with larger budgets or more complex requirements, hiring a professional agency or developer – AOC may be the best choice. These experts have experience in handling e-commerce migrations and can ensure a smooth transition while minimizing any potential disruptions.

The right option for you will depend on factors such as budgetary and time constraints, technical expertise, and the complexity of your current store setup. Evaluate these factors carefully before choosing an approach that will support your business growth goals effectively.

Why Migrate to BigCommerce?

Choosing the right platform for your e-commerce business is part of the beginning of creating a successful brand. And one platform that has been gaining popularity among businesses of all sizes is BigCommerce. But why should you consider migrating to BigCommerce?

BigCommerce offers more freedom and flexibility. With a range of features and tools, you can easily adjust the size and layout of your store to match your specific needs. Potential customers will surely find your store with their adaptability and SEO capabilities.

BigCommerce is easy to set up and manage with its open SaaS platform. The platform can immediately  be used without long-term commitments or fees. Additionally, their customer support team is available 24/7 to help you with issues or questions.

Furthermore, BigCommerce maps out your journey from start to finish. This helps you plan and track your progress as you migrate your store, which can help minimize any surprises or setbacks. And with their integrations and app marketplace, you’re sure to find the perfect add-ons to support your business goals.

In addition, migrating to BigCommerce is cos-efficient. With their cutting-edge platform, your business can save on both time and money while still maintaining high levels of customer service and product quality. This allows businesses on tight budgets or just starting out the opportunity for rapid growth without breaking the bank!

Migrating to BigCommerce presents numerous advantages for businesses seeking growth opportunities. With its feature-rich platform offering flexibility, scalability, and enhanced security measures while also providing seamless integration options with major marketplaces such as Amazon & eBay, it’s no wonder more companies are making the switch! 

How can BigCommerce help businesses grow?

With its powerful features and tools to help businesses grow, BigCommerce provides businesses with the foundation they need to succeed in the competitive online marketplace.

Simplify Management

BigCommerce helps businesses grow by simplifying management. Its simple platform allows businesses to quickly manage their inventory, orders, and customer data. This makes it easy to expand and grow without investing in additional resources or staff.

More Traffic

Another feature is it attracts more organic traffic. Its search engine capabilities can increase a business website’s visibility and search engine ranks, leading to more traffic and revenue.

Convert Sales

Furthermore, BigCommerce can convert more sales than other e-commerce platforms. Its comprehensive product catalog and checkout process makes it easy for online selling. Businesses can simply accept payments from customers around the world with a variety of payment processing options.


BigCommerce has extensive analytics and reporting tools. These track metrics such as sales performance, customer behavior, and more. Data-driven knowledge helps brands decide about product offerings, marketing strategies, and pricing structures, gearing towards growth.

Bigcommerce provides a unified solution for e-commerce success. tailored for growing businesses, it’s no wonder many entrepreneurs choose this platform as their go-to option.

What are the E-Commerce Platform Migrations

E-commerce platforms are software solutions that enable online selling. They provide features and functionalities to manage various aspects such as inventory management, payment processing, order fulfillment, and customer support.

On Premise 

On premise is the traditional type of e-commerce platform. These are installed on the premises of the business, allowing them to manage their operation from a single base.


Cloud-based is a popular type. These solutions are hosted in the cloud, giving businesses access to their e-commerce operations from anywhere with an internet connection.

Open Source

Open source platforms are open source software solutions that enable businesses to create their own custom e-commerce stores. These platforms are typically free or low cost, and provide a wide range of features and functionalities to help customize and manage a business’s online store.


Marketplace platforms are third party marketplaces where businesses can list their products for sale. These include popular sites like Amazon, Ebay, and Etsy.

Migrating to BigCommerce can be daunting for new e-commerce businesses. However, we have expert developers, designers, product managers, as well as an expert SEO specialistAOC that will work with you for a smoother transition!

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